Easy and Simple PomPom Activities

On days I haven’t planned any activities it gets crazy around our house. Just like most families, we have weeks are busy.  I don’t have time to prep activities. These days I’m grateful for pompoms. They are versatile, can work for all age groups, and easy to set up! 

Here are some of our simplest low prep ways we like to play with pompoms.

Simple Pompom Activity

Simple Pompoms in a Bin

This by far is the easiest. Just dump a bag of pompoms into a bin, add a few toys, and let them go! We did this for ice cream day, to go with the theme I added a few ice cream toys that we had around the house! They played with it for an hour! Scooping, pouring, ordering.

Easy Pompom Drop 

I collect toilet paper and paper towel rolls for times like this!  To set up I simply use painters tape to tape a few of rolls to the wall at different angles. I put a bowl full of pompoms in the ground. The goal for the boys is to drop the pompoms into the bowl that is on the ground. They have fun rearranging it and figuring out what worked! 

Quick pompom tape activity.

Quick Pompom Sticky Tape

This takes less then a minute to set up, easy peasy! I put this out for Jake, the toddler, but all the boys wanted to join in the fun! I fold painters tape in a circle and stick a bunch of pompoms on the front of it and the back to the wall.  All he had to do was take it off the tape. I knew this would be a hit for Jake because he loves tape. He had a lot of fun doing this and took the pompoms on and off the tape. I didn’t think it would be as attractive to the older boys.  But they were doing their homework while he did that and begged to have a turn after they finished!    

Fun Pom Pom Painting.

Fun Pompom Painting

This fun activity uses little more supplies than the rest of the activities on this list but it’s so much fun.  I put paint in an ice cube tray and a pompom of the same color in the paint. The boys then used one clothespin each to paint with. They worked on their fine motor skills and used the clothespin to pick up the pompom and paint. Check out the Easter banner we made using our pompom paintings here

Simple Watermelon ice pompom activity.

Easy Pompom Freeze 

This takes a little prep but is so worth it! All you do is fill an ice cube tray and add some pompoms to it, then freeze it. I then put it in a bin and let them play with it. They loved how cold the water was and all of the different textures!  We tried this out to celebrate Watermelon day! 

Quick Pompoms with Ice

If you don’t have time to freeze the pompoms in the ice this is a great alternative! Just add pompoms and ice to a tray and let them play! I did this one day out of desperation and needing a reset. It quickly changed everyone’s mood. The boys settled down and I had some time to calm down and get a few things done. Once they were done we cleaned up quickly and were able to move on with our day! 


After you get your pompoms dirty with doing things like pompom painting clean them off in some water and let them air dry. Good as new and ready for more play! That can also be turned into an activity for the kids to do!

You can do a lot of simple activities with pompoms to keep your kids busy. These are just a few we tried and loved! Leave a comment on other things you do with your pompoms for us to try! If you’re looking for more quick activity check out my post about different activates for different age groups here!

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