Memory Making Holiday List

Being a mom feels like there are always a lot of balls in the air just to keep your kids alive. On top of that trying to create happy memories can seem overwhelming. Having kids has been a lot of fun for me. They keep me laughing all the time and the way they love is amazing. At the same time, it has been exhausting. Having to deal with tantrums, reminding them to use indoor voices, and constantly working on their listening. I’ve yelled at them more than I thought was possible and felt lost more than I’d ever like to admit. After a few long days in a row, I started to realize that this isn’t how I wanted them to remember their childhood. This wasn’t how I wanted to parent. I needed to make some changes.  

I thought a bit about what I enjoyed. One of the things I’ve always enjoyed doing is celebrating things. So I started there. I put together a Memory Making Holiday List of some fun holidays. A list that I thought the boys would enjoy and would be simple to celebrate. I put fun holidays like Ice Cream Day and some more educational days like Moon Day (the day that man first walked on the moon). By doing this it helps me plan activities around these days and I spread things out between a few days. I also try to make it special and get my kids excited about them!  

This list has helped me organize what I wanted to do. So I wouldn’t feel stressed or overwhelmed trying to pull together something at the last minute. So I could do a little planning and then relax and enjoy creating memories with them!  

Here is the Memory Making Holiday list to help you simplify creating memories! Also follow me on Instagram, where I post what we’re doing to celebrate these days! I try to celebrate as many as I can but it doesn’t always happen. This is just a fun guide with no pressure to celebrate everything. Just a guide during those times you need something to have fun and celebrate!

Click here to download the list!