Simple and Fun STEM Balloon Experiment for Kids

My kids love science, to be honest, they love anything hands-on. To foster their love of science I’ve been searching for simple science experiments. I’ll be honest the types of things I look for are supplies that we already have/are easy to get hold of, takes little to set up, and I understand at least a little of the science of it (I always try to squeeze as much out of an activity as I can!). So let’s get started!

If you’re looking for more simple activities you may like to do with your kids here are two of our most loved activities: simple rainbow activities and easy dinosaur activities.


  • Balloon
  • Empty water bottle
  • Baking Soda
  • Vinegar
  • Funnel

Pour some vinegar into the water bottle. Just remember a little goes a long way since you’re not trying to cause a huge eruption, you want the gas that it produces to fill the balloon. Set the vinegar water bottle aside.

Next, use the funnel to add baking soda into the balloon. I poured some baking soda into a bowl and had the boys fill the balloon. I choose to let them fill the balloon because it works their concentration and fine motor skills. It also helps them to understand what a funnel does. It’s a great way to start a conversation on how funnels work and why we use them.

Then let the baking soda filled balloon portion hang down while you put the balloon onto the bottle. Make sure it’s sealed well. You don’t want the vinegar and baking soda to mix until you’ve covered the bottle.

Now dump the baking soda into the bottle and watch the balloon blow up!

Adding Science to the Experiment

When we did this experiment I tried to explain what was going on and add in some science language. My boys are on the younger side so kept it simple. Before we started the experiment we predicted what would happen and explained why. After we finished the experiment I explained when two substances mix together they create a reaction. In this case, it produced a gas that blew up the balloon. I then had them repeat back to me what happened.  

This is a really quick experiment and a few years ago I’d feel it was a waste of resources but I now see it isn’t. Yes, it’s quick and it used up our baking soda and vinegar in a matter of seconds but they were exposed to so much more. We worked on our language, our color resignation, storytelling, sparked their curiosity, and so much more.

We did this experiment multiple times that day and they’ll still randomly talk about it or if something else happens in our life they’ve connected it to this experiment. You can see by doing it they’re connecting other things to it. Plus it was a simple memorable moment for us. These little moments are the types of moments I want their childhood to be made out of. So I make sure to try to create these moments and use them to the fullest!! Take a look around to find other simple activities you may like to do with your kids such as some simple rainbow activities and easy dinosaur activities.