Family Challenge: Pom Pom Activity

Blake loves games.  He loves challenges and he likes to win.  He’s always asking if we’ll challenge him, for example who can open the door first or who can clean up first.  If you want to motivate him just give him a challenge. With our family games are hard due to the difference in ages.  Of course he can run faster, jump higher, and he just knows more things since he’s the oldest which makes it a challenge to find things we can all do together.  Since he loves challenges though I decided that once a month I wanted to do a family challenge night where we’d do an easy game together. I looked at Pinterest and Instagram for inspiration and  I saw tons of sensory bags. Then it hit me, I realized I could make that into a challenge! I made sure I wasn’t getting over my head and it was super simple to make since honestly I do not have a lot of time and energy for anything fancy.  

How to make it:

I just put gel in a bag along with 5 small pompoms (2 of one color and 3 of another) then I cut out little cones and taped it to the bag and finally I taped it to the table.  


The challenge was for each person to put the matching pompom on the cone.  I quickly explained it to Blake then had him explain it to everyone else (we’re working on his speech and with him always wanting to be in charge this was right up his alley).  We did it a few times (next time I need to make a scoreboard) and we gave Zack the middle child a few seconds headstart.  

It was a quick simple fun game!  For the “prize” we decided whoever won got to pick what movie we watched, I was going to buy a prize but I’m really working on trying to cut back on clutter in our house and I didn’t want to spend a lot of money so this worked out perfectly since spent time together watching a fun movie!