Creating Simple Stress Free Easter Memories with Kids

Hey Friends! Spring is here! Even in Hawaii, you can tell the change in weather. It isn’t as cold and rainy as the winter. Easter is just around the corner. It’s time to start planning! Here are some quick and simple ideas to make your Easter memorable. A lot of these can be adapted to different age groups and adapted to what you have on hand!

bunny mochiko pancake for easter breakfast

Easter Breakfast

We love pancakes for breakfast! Here is our favorite recipe, it’s a little different than traditional pancakes because it uses mochiko and coconut oil. You can find the recipe here. For Easter, I just made a simple tweak and turned them into bunnies! Here is what I did to make ours:

  • Covered the pancakes in whip cream to create the fur.
  • A heart sprinkle as the nose,
  • Twizzlers for the whiskers
  • Candy eyes (which I bought a bunch of because it makes dressing things up so easy!). You could use anything though! A little food coloring, chocolate chips, or any round candy would do!

Questions to Get Them Taking

  • -Where do you think the Easter Bunny Lives?
  • -What are your favorite types of things to find in Easter eggs?

Moose Egg Art

Have you ever tried making shaving cream art?! We didn’t have shaving cream but I found some old moose when I was cleaning out our cabinets that I thought I could use. Although it wasn’t as stiff as shaving cream it worked!


  • Paper
  • Moose
  • Food coloring
  • A stick to swirl the colors, I used a chopstick you could also use a toothpick.


  1. Put down a paper towel on a baking sheet. I didn’t want it to stain the baking sheet.
  2. Spray the moose onto the paper towel.
  3. Squirt a few drops of food coloring on the moose.
  4. Use a chopstick to swirl the food coloring.
  5. Lay a paper over the moose. You don’t have to smash it down just make sure the paper is touching the moose.
  6. Take the paper off and let it dry.

What the Difference Was

We had a lot of fun doing this and worked well for us. There were a few differences that I wanted to point out though.
I think shaving cream would hold the food coloring better with the moose it started to turn into liquid quickly.
It’s sticky since it’s moose.

Things to Get Them Talking

  • -What happens when you swirl the colors? Do the colors change?
  • -What is your favorite color is and why.
  • -What is your favorite way to decorate? With hidden messages in white crayons, by shaking it with rice, drawing on it, putting stickers on?

We turned this into a thank you card for their grandparents who had given them a science set so we talked about them and how grateful we are for them!

Easter PomPom Painting

To paint the Easter bunnies on the top we painted it using pompoms. Click here to find out our process!

This simple wrapping paper is fun and easy to make with kids of all ages!

Spring Wrapping Paper

We sometimes give friends small Easter/Spring gifts. To turn it into a fun activity we made the wrapping paper for it. See how we made it here.

These were some of the fun activities that we were able to do this Easter! We hope you enjoy these ideas and let us know how you celebrate Easter!