Easy and Stress Free Sensory Rainbow Potions Bin

We are obsessed with rainbows right now.  Zack loves rainbow everything! It’s even his favorite color haha.  Rainbows are easy to incorporate into different activities so I set up this rainbow potion activity for all the boys!  


  • Tray
  • Baking Soda
  • Small Bowls
  • Vinegar
  • Water
  • Food Coloring (I used the gel and it was a little hard to get off their hands)
  • Tools (such as measuring cups, spoons, and water syringes)

Set Up

This activity is easy to set up and so much fun.  I added a few scoops of baking soda into the trays.  Then filled with some vinegar and water in bowls. By mixing the vinegar with water it helps to stretch it out and it still has the bubbly reaction.  I usually eyeball it 50/50 and it works well! In each bowl, I put two drops of food coloring. Then I put it out and let the boys create their potions! 

What We Talked About

My kids are really into color mixing right now.  This is a fun activity to talk about what happens when different colors mix.  

Blake (6yo) has a hard time with predictions since he doesn’t like to guess and be wrong.  I try to make sure we make a prediction and he understands it’s okay if it’s wrong. We talk about how he came up with his predictions.  Then we test them out! If it isn’t what he expects we talk about what we learned!  

With Zack (4yo) I tried talking to him about what was going on.  What does he hear? Is it making any sounds? What was happening? He saw bubbles and so many colors!

Jake (2yo) loves colors!  He’s always trying to say and point to the different colors around us.  To encourage him we told him the different colors. The older boys love to help him with this and he loves all their attention!  After he used a spoon to scoop the vinegar mixture he used his hands to mix everything! He loves being around his older brothers and being apart of their little gang! 

Rainbows are a lot of fun and you can do a lot of different things with them!  The colors are pretty and eye-catching for kids! I’ve also made a Rainbow Marshmallow Sensory bin (one of our first, click here to see what I learned from doing it).