Sweet Books For Boy Moms

I try to read every night to the boys and we have a good collection of books!  When I first found out we were having boys I tried looking for books about moms loving their son. I had a hard time finding those types of books.  Now that I have three boys I’ve remembered books from my childhood and been gifted these sweet books that put into words a mothers love for their son. These books are fun to read and talk about with my boys. We laugh and joke while we read these books.

I’ll Love You Forever

My mom read this book to me when I was growing up!  It’s one of those memories that I won’t ever forget.  Now I read “I Love You Forever” to my boys. We love to sing the song together and they’ll even ask to be rocked!  We love the illustration too and talk about the different phases the boy goes through.

I Love You Stinky Face

This is such a fun book.  The boys love it and it’s so funny!  It’s about a boy who’ll ask his mother if she’ll still love him in different scenarios, such as a meat-eating dinosaur. The boys will ask me if I’d love to make up their own and will get really creative in what they ask.

Wherever You Are My Love Will Find You

I love that this book reminds the boys that no matter what my love is their for them even when I’m not.  This is a good book for when they start school or you’re going on a trip to remind them that even though you’re not there you’re still there! 

I Love You More

This is two books in one!  On the first side, the boy asks how much she loves him for example she says things such as I love you sweeter than the birds’ singing their song.  The second side is the same thing but from the boy’s perspective. After we read it we’ll try to make up our own, which gets us giggling!