
Hi, I’m Shannon.  I have an amazing husband who’s always making me laugh and three energetic and sweet boys!  It’s been such a fun adventure with a lot of changes going on in my life! Having kids has been the best thing ever but also the hardest, as I’m sure most parents will tell you.  Sometimes with all the craziness going on in our life I forget to stop and enjoy the moments. I wanted to start a blog to help make sure I capture this precious time in my life. I also wanted a creative outlet.  Now that our youngest is getting a little older and I feel a little more settled into life, I realized that I have changed so much since my prekids days. I’m now ready to try new things and I figured a blog would be the best place to start!  This is definitely out of my comfort zone which I’ve come to realize that as hard as it is, it’s always a good thing! I’d be able to work on my photography and writing skills while creating memories plus I’d hopefully make a few new friends along the way.

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