Simple Ways to Decorate Your Baked Goods

Baking with the boys is one of those things that we love to do together. They especially love to decorate their desserts. Here are a few tricks that we use to decorate our latest creations! We have so many wonderful memories in the kitchen and we hope these simple ideas will help you have some too!

Rainbow cake pops.  Food coloring was used to turn the cakes different colors.
We colored a little of each batter different colors to turn the different layers of cake, red, yellow, green, and blue!

Food Coloring

We are always using food coloring to make things fun. The boys love color and food coloring makes it so simple. I like the gel food coloring because the colors are vibrant and you only need a little. Most times I’ll use a toothpick and dip it into the bottle, which is more than enough to color the cookies, cake, or frosting! We used food coloring to make Rainbow Cake Pops!

Simple decorated Mummy pop tart.
We made the simple mummy pop tarts and simply put candy eyes on it to make it a lot more fun!

Candy Eyes

I bought a box of candy eyes and we use them all the time. I’ll admit it’s one of the items that I’ll give out to them. I once let them have the whole container and they would have used it all if I wasn’t watching closely. My tip for this is to take what you’re willing to give them out in a bowl before you start baking and hide the rest. They’ll know how much they have to use and since they won’t see the rest you won’t be fighting over it.

Sprinkles to decorate donut hole fish.
We simply used sprinkles to decorate donut hole fish. Round sprinkles for the scales, candy heart sprinkles for his tail and fin, a candy eye, and a long sprinkle for his mouth!


See if you can use it for multiple things. For example, long sprinkles can be picked out and placed to make it look like a stem, eyes lashes, or raindrops. Red is the perfect color for Lunar New Years’, Valentine’s Day, and Christmas.
What are you willing to allow. I avoid fine sprinkles because I know that the boys will make a mess and it’ll be hard to clean up. Also, little balls are okay, but I try to watch those and limit how much we have out by putting them in a small bowl. If they dump these it can bounce and roll all over the place. Sometimes I’ll end up finding a random one a month later.

bunny mochiko pancake for easter breakfast
We used Twizzlers for his whiskers.


Before I buy decorating items I always look in our candy cabinet. You can cut out premade Rice Krispy Treats, mold Starburst, and crush up cookies.

Candy used to decorate Rice Krispy Treats for Valentine's Day
We frosted the Rice Krispy Treats to help the candies stick to it!


I’m usually able to whip up frosting quickly but it’s always nice to have a can of premade frosting around. To decorate with it I’ll put it in a plastic bag and a drop of food coloring, mix it around, and cut the tip. We love using food coloring to make tons of different colors to decorate with!

These are the simplest ways to make a little go a long way. To create memories without having to buy every cute sprinkle and cookie-cutter out there! I hope you enjoyed these easy tips. If you’re looking for ways to enjoy baking with your kids be sure to check out this post!